The Pioche Record from Pioche, Nevada (2024)

DAILY RECORD BlNOAV. may ar lsts TroOAlli ITEMS. Xbhival and depasture depastures. -I oruaEa uuitni'i iit lui uxm. AOPhlUip.

I TBAVIS BAim.TO UKB. Chaa Filter FRANCISCO STOCK. REPORT YESTERDAY'S REPORT, ag.u. Sa Fuscnco, May 21. tii or-hir .10 Gould ft M'a MH iib3u us unit ia chollar-Potosl 60 CO SI 61 It 175 Hale Noivroas 47 8 45 45 Crown Poiut 130 lit 117 118 130M0 Alphs 30 37 an) Kentuck 10 10b30 9 4 IS Yellow Jacket 75 77 77 79W0 llsl Imperil-7 7H7 7HWO 115 Btlrher 85 8C 7 87 88b30 7 Confidence 81, 8 JT5 Con.

Virginia 71 74bM 72S4 TS 751)30 7Cb30 HO Exchequer 1J 19 190 Si-It. Belcher 45 40 47 47 its Overman 41 41030 38b30 ID iieUce 10 VHt lub30 9 4 Csledonta 19X 19 18 18 5j 14) Knickerbocker a44 a l-HO Iisltiuiore Con 8J 8). BUS Sb30 5'. silver Hill 31 WMH .1 21 Jb3U riocas ITOCU. lua5 Meadow Valley 23 fis Raymond A Ely 69 69 ju Pioche 9 1, 9 IM0 Washington ft Creole 2', i- I'i Ifi-Alps IV (HI American Flag 8f 8b3u flO Huhn ft Hunt 111) Peavtne Oe Ml Pioche West Ex J5c ytibiKoniar 8Ac UlAilMI IX lUlrwne Phentx 3'i --i Amador Tnunel 9 FRIDAY REPORT, muw.

Saw FPMrlCISCO, May as. lisopliir saw MHIoulil ft Cnrry 13 14M0 115 16 117 118 117 11 ('hollar Potosi-l 60 59 60 1UI Hle ft Norcross 4 48 44 10 Crown Point liO 10 Yellow Jacket 73 740 Imperial 6 6 6(1 Kentuck 1IW Alpha 3333)4 40 Belcher HI HI 8. 81 i Oonnilcnce 81i 8)4 M5 Con. Virginia 71 70X 70 Mt E-uhequer 10 65 Sen. 83 85 lail Overman 35 84 37 38l30 37 M1( 111! Justice II 8V 83 8'.

Caledonia 16 17)4 17 'J 310 Knickerbocker 4 4H 2111 Baltimore Con 10-, 10 11UK) 1(1 S. KIKJO 101-1 31 fioche rrooca. Meadow Valley 21 21 31 22', M0 32U Kayiuond Ely-58 59 5.M0 JO Pioche Bit S5T0 Washington ft J'i 2'i 3130 OOAlpa IS 820 Pace ft Panara 1 1 21 American Flag 8 814 8)4 8 fa 1)30 XtiHuhn Hnnt 1 l'a loo liiwcry 50c Silver Peak Vi JH0 Pcavlne 40c 150 Pioche West El 50c 'jon Ingoruar 1 Chief of the Hill 2 3 2'i 50 Chief East 40c Pioche Phi-nix 1H 210 Hcrtuea 11 llHbao IIILLIOX SHIPM KNTH, Per Well, Fargo ft Expreaa: Mav 19 71 May 21 31.957 62 May 22 4, 11 May 24 4,335 16 Total $09,052 61 NTOCK HOLDERS' DIRECTORY. AaaFMareim LEVIED. Original Deiter Hint Amseaiment 40 oeuta per foot, payable on or before June 1.

Pioche Wert Extension Delinquent June 24; day of mile July 32; aaacaameut 60c per ahare. Piavine Silver Mining Comiany Delinquent June 18: day of Rale July 12; liiaeMluent 25 cU. per ahare. Hnhn 4 Hunt Sllvir Mining Company Delin (Mt June 18; day of Kale July 16: acaesiiinent 1 50 per ahare. Kentm ky Gold and Silver Mining Company Ilnicueiil June 18; day of aale July 17; 4 per i-liare.

Pioche Photnli-Dellnquent June 19; day of ale July 11; assewtnent 1 per ahare. Bowery Delinquent June 16; day of aele July aweaauK ut So celiU per 5 hare. Portland Delinquent June day of aale July aawuiueut 2i centa ner aliare. Alps-PellnqueW Juno 11; day of tale July anicMmi ut 60 centa per ahare. Si Won Booth Delinquent June 14; day of Muij it; aBBeKawent 50 cents per snare.

Newark Silver mining Company Delinquent Hay 20; day of sale, Julia 14; assesiuucllt. 30 cts. per ahare. South Milling Company Delinquent Millie day of nale, July aiweaenient, 334 cts per ahare. Spring Mount Mining Company Delinquent June 21; day of sale July 18; ajmvKB a cut 50 cts per share.

Standard Mill and Miniuir Coninanv Delln. MUeut June 21; day of sale July assessment 42 per share. Herme. Mining Company DellnqSent June 16; day of sale July anKcKMuent 3 per ahare. "WEST MlJta.

June" IV-nipany Day of sale, Mat'S' o' wle fioche Champiou-Day of sal June 8. It is a well known fact thnt T)v od Iuuifjestion are the canseg oil nearly ine uiseasH. tbat the buman body is heir tn- tht, Jills By vsing Dr. Henley's celebrated Lj con bethorounhly nom tbe system and new tile "opatted to the sufierer. Head in another column.

wholesale and retail liquor Btore ol Alex. Brown has been bonse above the SUte i to hi new bIock on the Ialn street- Just La- ''istomers and new ones. U. M. Baiisjes, Notary Public, and Umm1S8i0uer of Deeds for California tto Utah.

General business and real Collections made at Prod8promptlyrfmitted. door t0 the Tostofflce. la-street. Pioche, Nevada. would call the attention of our ders to the advertisem*nt in another ofV' "evBro Sewing Machine uid'd vertiKe, whati.

inention. a first-class Mmg machine for five dollars. Beeni has again opened business 8lore jointly occupied by himself "er' stock-lock Um lteet- His complete tc Medicines, chemicals, aerate. Give him a call. Jf-Wm.

ManmnB has re-Mead iewele'y tor to opposite jerfW, VIey Btreet- His tock of larBe. nd prices reasonable. Aj desirous of securing lands in MTtern should call on H. RMfnee. between ud the luth of next month.

m-riDg. oval-shaped, peart gander wdl please leave ft at this of ILSOU A fi Ud aeaiers in cigars ourrv. 4a skim. lr. i a go to 'vuiiii, juam street.

straw tC. LOCAL MINING REVIEW. For the Week EaiaUaas; Mar 1H13. TIM liaawraal PrsMpccts Reesat ats-IKM DepreMlaiaa at" -Mrral Bastsaeaa Iw Rates af Ktock llullloai flBlpmeata Oaitaidn Caanpa. Never were the geuerul prospecU of the Ely mining district brighter than at this time, notwithstanding the undeniable fact that there is a marked depression in geueral business.

This depression is altogether attributable to extraneous causes, and is in no way related to the condition of the mines. The Raymond 4 Ely, the Meadow Valley, the Washington and Creole and Pacific Tunnel Companies have all struck strong bodies of fine ore lutely the strikes of the two first named Companies undoubtedly being on the same vein and of the same character. Among the mines of later development very eucouraging developments have been made in the bilver Peak, Portland, Brooklyn, Montana, Alps, and others. Why the working forces are not increased in the leading mines of the district we are unable to say that explanation must come from the foreign stock-holders who control the management; but of the improved condition of the mines there can be no kind of doubt. When Pioche stocks, a year and more ago, were fifty and seventy-five per cent, higher than at the present time, there was not twenty-five per cent, of ore exposed that there is to-day.

The bullion shipments for the week are small, aggregating onlv 869,025.57. But there is a largo amount ot'uuiilon now on hand, and the shipments of the coming week may be expected to be large. The news from the contiguous outside camps is very encouraging. Highland district, especially, promises much for the future. Tbe ledges in that direction are developing unexpectedly well, and, as the Mendha mill will soon bo running regularly, we will soon have the proof of their richuesa in practical results.

Then we have most encouragiug reports from Long Valley district, down below Panaca, in which there is a prospect of machinery being introduced at an early day, we are told. There is great excitement over the new discoveries in Cherry Creek, beyond Egan Canyon, but we have not had information from there as yet, that would justify us in writing with positiveness. meadow valley. This noted, favorite old mine more properly speakiug, three mines, with three distinct hoisting works has again come to the front to establish her claim to the first rauk in the rich mineral interest of Ely District. Persistently have her shafts been sunk until each have obtained depths far exceeding the expectations of the community, and from the respective stations drifts have been run to prospect every foot of the extensive vein owned by the company.

Number 3 shaft is 828 feet deep, number 5 nearly 70(1, and number 7 approaching 1,000. The lay of the country rock at these great depths is uniform and the formation 3uartzite. The first recent strike in No. was made in the cross-cut from the shaft at tbe 8th station, and within 14 feet of the latter; but the most important was at a depth of about 60 feet below the 8th station immediately in the shaft, at which point tbe dip of the ledge and the incliue o( the shaft come together. Thence down the vein ore has continued in the Bhaft, showing on its east and west sides, and giving reasonable assurance of permanency in depth and extent.

But another and very important strike has just been ma'le in what is favorably known as the Old Black shaft ground, from which, in times past, the richest ore ever found in the district was taken out. This ground is nearly about mid-way betweeu No. 3 ana no. a (huniuut) on the 7th level, (630 feet,) and the strike promises to rival the richest ever before made in Ely District. Our authority for the foregoing is perfectly reliable.

We can ass.ure our renders that the old favorite will very soon take and maintain the front position, which 6he so long held, and to which her priority of claim and enterprise entitle her. She is shipping now about 36 tons of ore per day, which amount will be increased in the course of a few days, when tue lower worKS are more extensively upeueu. RAYMOND AND ELY. This great mine is now being run with reauceu iorces, tnere Deing at the pres. eut time about two hundred men em ployed.

Development on the eighth level is being prosecuted with energy, and the indications are extremely prom ising. Dome ncn ore nas oeen taken from the eighth level, but no great amount will bo hoisted from it for some time, or until certain necessary connections with the seventh level are completed. Ore is now being hoisted from tbe seveuth level principally, but some comes up from the fifth and sixth, in which there are still good ore bodies. Tbe main shaft is now 68 feet below the eighth level. Work was suspended on the msiu Bhaft during the temporary absence of Superintendent Day, but will be resumed to-morrow.

The prospects for the ninth level, judging from the character of the strike in the eighth, are very encouraging. The machinery for the new hoisting works, which will be among the best and most powerful in the State, is now on the road, and will come to hand soon, when it will be immediately erected. There is but one more powerful hoisting engine in Nevada, and that is the one on the Rale and Norcross mine. PACIFIC TUNNEL. The tunnel is now in over 1,100 feet, and drifting Is being prosecuted ou the last ledge struck, or Ledge No.

3. The Pacifio Tunnel is more than meeting tbe expectations of its stockholders. Ledge No. 3 promises, without exaggeration and we have personally inspected it to be one of tbe richest and most extensive mines in this district. Tbe ledge is now four feet between the walls; and both walla are as smooth as a planed board.

The ore is coming in very rich, one certificate of assay before us, given by John Cahill, returns $1,278.11 to the ton. The average assay of all classes of argentiferous ore found in the tunnel will not fall far short of $250 to tbe ton. Tbe tunnel is well ventilated, and development progresses with great energy. Pacifio Tunnel will probably be a dividend-paying enterprise before many months. SILVER PEAK.

Ore is being extracted, 210 feet down on the incline, from east and west drifts. Tbe ledge matter is four feet in width, of which there are from 18 to 20 inches of very rich ore. The walls show regularly wherever exposed. Owing to the inadequate hoisting facilities not over two tons of ore are being hoisted daily, but there is no doubt that ten tons or more could be hoisted daily with steam hoisting works for which the company are now negotiating. Car sample assays average about (150 to the ton.

The Silver Peak is one of the most promising mines in the State of Nevada. WASHINGTON AND CBKOL1. The east and west drifts from the 640- foot level are both in on. Tbe west drift bus Uii run abont 25 feet, and the i east about Ah. Both drifts are ran on tbe Iddge, wni.

vanes from 18 inches to 2 feet in a idth. The ore assays from $100 to $4,000 to the totv-the majority of the certificates before ns showing an average of about $300. From six to seven tons of ore are being hoisted daily. We were shown a large number of specimens with horn silver all through them. The prospects of the Washington aud Creole, are more brilliant toon ever before.

There are now about 300 tons of very rich ore on the damp. BBOOXXTN. This is a new mine near the Portland which is attracting much attention at the present time. A fine body of ore has been struck, which ss much resembles the richest ores of the Bowery as one pea does another, and the assayer's returns of its ore are invariably high. Tbe Brooklyn is being developed with much energy, and it promises to become very important.

MONTANA. Still sinking the main shaft, which is now 160 feet deep. It is expected that the shaft will cut the vein at about the depth of 225 feet, and from the character of the vein exposed in the 100-foot level, it is probable that the developments at that depth will not be second in importance to anything yet struck, even in this richest of silver-bearing districts. PIOCHE. Full forces are engaged in this well-known mine and four or five tons of first-class ore are being hoisted daily.

An average of 30 car samples taken during the month of April is $2416.77. The developments are highly satisfactory. There are now 150 tons of No. 1 ore on the dump. Arrangements for resuming crushing will be made soon.

PORTLAND. The drift from the bottom of the main shaft to connect with the winze is being pushed ahead vigorously. A few feet more of drifting will make the connection, but the rock is very hara and progress is slow. We will probably have something of interest concerning the Portland before long. BOWESY.

Main shaft 325 feet down, The drift east from tbe bottom is in ledge matter, with improving prospects. The drift from the second station is looking splendid and improving fast. No doubt a fine ore body will soon be entered. Full forces are engaged. CHIEF EAST EXTENSION.

Tbe drift east from the main shaft is looking exceedingly well. Have been compelled to snspend the work, as the air is very bad. fsow sinking the main shaft to connect with the Chief of the Hill, which will take about ten days. This connection will give both mines good ventilation. alps.

Continued improvement is the report due this mine this week. Tbe ore bodies are strong, and the richness of the ore is unquestioned. The Alps is a good mine, and is being most judiciciously developed. PEAco*ck. The main shaft is now down 120 feet, and the west drift is now in 01) feet.

The mine looks well in all parts, an 1 is improving fast. The Peaco*ck is a very promising mine. EXCELSIOB, No particular changes to note. Adrift is being run from the bottom of the new shaft, 281) feet down, to connect with the winze from the old works. The indications are fair.

CHAPMAN. Work continuing with satisfactory results. No particular change to note, excepting that the indications are improving as depth is attained. MAZEPPA. Work wil(.

soon ha resumed in this mine, rineand rich ore bodies wero exposed when work was suspended, a few uays ago. AMADOU TUNNEL. Some good ore is being run through the tunnel, and the ore breasts are strong. PEA VINE. No important change to note, but the prospects for the future ore bright.

Cruelty to Animals. Upon one party, at least, the convictiou of Leuhy, (the mau who shot his horse a day or two aIS0 upon this charge, docs not appear to have produced a very salutary effect-was the impression upon our mind about 10 o'clock yesterday morning, as we contemplated Mike McCluskey's poodlo rushing furiously up Main street, its caudal extremity evidently justampu- uuea, ann ine surgeon, wnoever lie was, having forgotten to apply the proper ligatures, the blood spirting in all directions and bespattering the bystanders. It was a disgusting sight, aud the scoundrel who could be guilty of such an act of cruelty to a poor dumb beast, ought to have a similar operation performed on himself only in his case let the tail oome off close behind the ears. Brutal and Disgraceful Conduct of A Son. Oeorge Durham, of Bullionville, a young man 28 years of age, has fairly secured for himself the infamy of being one of the most depraved wretches of earth.

His offense was the unnatural crime of knocking down and terribly healing bis gray-haired mother, who, by dint of bard labor was, and for months bad) been, supporting him. She is a widow woman, named Lamison, having lost her second husband. The outrage was committed day before yesterday evening, about 5 o'clock, iu Bullionville, where his mother lives. Constable Albert Staples promptly arrested the unnatural son. He was tried before Justus Goodrich, who sentenced him to an imprisonment of 80 days.

He was incarcerated in tbe county jail yesterday. Hoodlumism. Any one who has read Mark Twain's graphic description of the personal appearance of the hoodlum and fighting man, (a happy combination of bad taste, cowardice and brutality), who infested onr mining towns during the "flush times" of '50, would have found no difficulty in recognizing one of the genus, in a gigantio fellow, attired in a long-tailed coat, who was engaged in bombarding the door of one of the maisons de joie on Lacour street, yesterday, evidently with the intention of breaking it in. Fortunately for him there was no officer in sight, or his operations might have been brought to an untimelv end. The condition of these unfortunate women is sad enough at best, without being subjected to such uncalled-for brutality.

Justice's Court. David Leahey, con victed of shooting a horse while in the Custody of the law, was brought before Justioe Stontenburgh yesterday morning, when the following severe, but well de served sentence, was imposed: Six months in the eonnty jail, and a fine of three hundred dollars, or in default of payment, to De imprisoned in the county ail an additional hundred and fiftv days. Episcopal Church. Bishop Whitaker will preach this morning and evening. Morning service at eleven, followed hv tbe apostolic rite of confirmation.

Sunday school at 3 p. and infant ban- to Hsu wn f. aw. uv vvcuauat service will oommence at 8 p. m.

Go to Alexanders' for your drags, Sad Bereavement. Night before last Mrs. Amelia Lawler, of this city, expired, aged 21 years, 11 months and 13 days. She was born in Dublin, Ireland, from which eity her parents emigrated to Cole-brook Centre, Litchfield county. where they now reside.

Though ber husband, the general agent of Pritchard's fast-freight business in Pioche, has been residing here but a few weeks, the deceased had won devoted friends in her new home, who sincerely mount hi untimely end, and the sympathies of this entire community are extended to the bereaved husband. The funeral services will take place in the Catholic church, of which deceased waa a member, at three o'clock this afternoon. Friends and acquaintances are invited to attend. Hanley's Abmory Hall was crowded last night by a highly appreciative audience, to witness one of the most pleasing entertainments ever offered to the public. The lateness of the hour forbids an extended notice; bnt we may stute that M'lle Josephine was, as usual, worthy of her name of favorite, that Miss Carrie Armstrong and Larkin in their singing and acting could not have been surpassed, and that the rest of the company, who so kindly volunteered their service, were, one and all, excellent.

Perhaps nothiug in the whole affair elicited more universal admiration than tbe exquisite song of Bells of bhandon," as rendered by Mr. John Cahil Colgan. Taken as a whole, the thing was a great success. Highland Mux. From W.

H. Thrope, just in from Highland District, we get the information that the new 20 stamp mill of the Mendha Mill and Mining Company, just completed at that place, will start up on Monday morning, the 26th inst. There are now two hundred tons of ore at the mill, and teams steadily hauling from tbe mines. We hope, as we believe, that this will prove the inauguration of a brilliant future for Highland District, and that it will soon take its place among the foremost bullion producing in the Statu. John C.

Lynch has just been refitting bis retail department, and the whole establishment, saloon and club-room, inside and out, looks as fresh and enticing as paint and paper can make it. The bar fixings, brought by Mr. Lynch from the East, are probably tbe most costly and beautiful ever brought to Pioche, and the liquors, passed over the bar bar are worthy of their exquisite receptacles. Sanitary. We notice that citizen Mc-Killip sees to it that tbe work of cleaning our streets is well and thoroughly done.

This is a most important matter iu view of the near approach of the hot season, and the fuct that thnt terrible scourge, the small-pox, has been prevalent aud very deadly in several towns ou the great lines of trade leading to Pioche. We believe iu this instance the people have the "right man in the right place." Datahtube. Senator John 11. Wilson haves for his old home in San Jose, California, by this morning's starge, to lie absent ubout two months. He goes via Salt Lake, and says he intends to make the trip one of thorough relaxation from tbe cares of business, and enjoy some of the splendid fishing and shooting for which our sister State is re-nowned.

Cuanob of Base. Alexauder, the champion druggist, has removoJ from his old quarters ou Meadow Valloy street, to a more commodious establishment in Mrs. Gramb's building, ou Ijower Main street, where he is prepared to supply the public with the best and purest of drugs, perfumeries, for ths quality of hich he challenges competition. Go to Charley Wiederhold's this morning to get your reading matter. Of the pictorials he has a full line, amoug which are the Peerless, Police News, Chimney Corner.

Suortino Times. l)v' Doings and Harper's Weekly. He has aiso an ine leading newspapers and auugaziues on uis shelves. Captain Maynaud, Superintendent of the Meadow Valley, has transmogrified the old ware-house of the Company on upper Meadow Valley street into a very neat and well-arranged business office, all tbe work having been performed by kuv uompuuy employees. The compilation of the weekly mining review yesterday prevents our giving the usual quantity and variety of local matter iu mis issue Presbyterian service in Brown's Hall every Sunday evening at 8 o'clock; sun-day school at half-past two o'clock in me.uiiernoon.

There are telegrams in the Western Union Telcgiaph office for James Baxter, vuuies uowns ana ueorge JU. Walters, For Boyal Havana and Louisville Lottery Tickets, go to H. M. Jameson, La cour street. No passengers will arrive on the stage iu-uay iruui xiauilltou.

Mb. J.1A. Podjade left Palisade on the Vilth lor reoclie 5UiSfftlanottS. Donahoe Quillin's MEADOW VALLEY gT PIOCHE ALL KINDS OF PASTRY TO OKDEIt ADD constantly on hand. DEALERS IN LIQUOK8, PROVISIONS and GENERAL GROCERIES.

HARRISON BROS. Furniture and Bedding Carpels, Wall Paper, I.lnliag, Moawa and Nash, die, MAIN STREET, PIOCRK. tiPHIXO AXD Prt-TJ MATRES8BM, 331a.xxjx.ets, Sheets, PARLOR AXD BED.ROOM SETS, PINE TOILET BETH, Carpels and Oil ClotA, Window ShLELdos. A FINE AJ4NOKTMENT Or I'P UOL8TERT OiKxla, Drapery, Ice. Paper Hanauag dene.

ap4-rf PACIFIC ASSAY OFFICE, ruder White Bank, Main street, Kalt Lake City, Utah. SELBY tVc*ntER. H. T. HELBT, Agent of Sellry Lead and Silver Knieltmu Ban Francisco.

A. C. GtJNTEB. formerly w'th RUhe, Hernial, Assayera, San Francisco. arifK RETURNS OS ALL ORK8 AND Bullion ahipped to tta for Assay.

Highest price )aid for Silver and Uold Bars. Pnrticnlar attention aiven to Analyses of Ores. Ooala, Mineral Waters, arte. (pn -Sm. XjTnVH3Jjli.t, ijiTJMDiirrt SHERWOOD fc BRO MAIM KTRKKT, PIOCHK, AN SUPTLY ALL KINDS MINING AND BTJ1LDIN0 Ll'MllER, SAWED TlMllElt, HEWED TIMBER AND POLES.

Have on hsnrl 1 CALIFORNIA LUMBER, ItEDWOOD and SI Alt PINE, AtOVLDLNGS, Etc. Also, DOORS and WINDOWS, and have eon. stantly on hand a large supply, which will be old at REASONABLE RATES, ap'Jl tf FORWARDING. HOGLE fc GILLETT, Wells (C. P.

R.R.) Nevada. Forwarding and Commission Merchants. AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Lumber, Flour, Grain FshmI ARB PREPARED TO RECEIVE AND FOR-ward goods to Pioche and Intermediate places with promptness and dispatch and at Lowsit Rates. Mark Goods Car H. dt Wells, Nevada.

ilaa-tf MILLINERY. SPRING OPENING! MRS. WHYIiANI) H.VH Jt'ST RECEIVED FROM SAN FRAN-Cisco a magnificent stock of Millinery of the Latest Parts aud New Turk styles, Consisting of Bonnets, Hats. Flowers, Ribbons, Ktc, Etc Ladles aud Gents' Hals Cleaned and Pressed In Dest style Broaa: At 8irn of the Big Doll, Lacour street, opposite the Postomce. spO-lm ri i it 8 I 8 I si I II I el ls? iWvh I i 2 PATENTS FOB KM.

CU PAPERS PREPARED TO ARREST PROCEEDINGS IN TBE DISTRICT LAND OFFICE WHEN CLAIMS ARE CONTESTED. ENTRIES MADE UNDER THE HOMESTEAD AND PRE-EMPTION LAWS. All manner of bnsineM under the Mineral and Land Laws of the United States promptly and correctly attended to. ttefereuof on application. Will be found, for the present, at the Rscoan omc lm-ja44 H.




TING ROOTS. JAMES MURPHY. Premium Bootmaker. Next to Lynch. Chop House, Meadow Valley St.


Goods at Private sals at Auction Rates. "WS SRQUFE, SWEENEY Commiaeionl Merchants AMD Wholesale Dealers in Provisions, NO. 404 FRONT STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. For Rent. THE STORE NOW OCCUPIED BY Durkee as a Jewelry store.

anquire Ul MASUN WILCOX, myllMf Boot Store, Mats irtrcet. Probate Nov. MORE EXTMSIVP IL 'wet JEaji, JEiJN 9 JEs 1 Judicial Distxi. County of L. Nevadawtals of Nevada, I'oauil.

i 1 .1 H(VI Ik I for Publi. a. two of Tin Appointed fur Proving Will, etc. orow Court, aiade oa th 1UI, day nl May. A.

D. notice is hereby grren, that Kataraayr, the slttdayof Msv, A. D. at 111 oVl'M'k a. u.

of said da and the Court Room of aaid Court, a th tova of nave been ep. pointed as the tint and pw fur proving the MORE JOHN C. LYNCH, Wholesale and Eetail Liquor Merchant, vorser stun Bud Lauuur streets, no Ateo Proprietor of the hmg9ibHkhe and veli-knowu FASHION SALOON CLUB ROOMS, TAKES PLEASTBE IN INrORMUlO OLD patrons and new ouea that tw vlllajaalaus. as heretofore to keep THE FINEST WINES, LIQUORS IN THIS MARKET. Particular attention wUl hereafter be given The Wholesale Trade.

All desiring to stock Bars, In the eity or outside cam pa, are invited to call and sample goods and learn prices Before Purchasing Elsewhere. nuutt MEADOW VALLEY BREWERY1 Comer of Main and Meadow Valley streets, PIOCHE NEVADA. f. HASTEN Proprietor, r1HK MEADOW VALLEY UREWERY HAS been lit ted np In the most tasteful niauuel and supplied with Hl'PERIOR BHANDN OP LIQUORS and CIGARS LAGKR BEER from the Splendid Brew, ery at Meadow Valley. nal-tf CLAACY MCCORMICK'S SALOON, MAIN STREET PIOCHE, Has Just Bran hefitted KEWtY gAPEREP.

Wines and Liquors, ri READING AND CLUB BOOMS ATTACHED, clancv Mccormick. Proprietori. Benner's SALOON, MAIM STREET PIUCHE JUST SEEM. AND OPENED TO TD.E Pl'BLlC. Wines, Liquors, "CIGARS, ETC.


ConetantJy on hand. Card Rooms In Rear. hVJ- Occidental Saloon, BULLIONVILLE NEVADA Converse tt McMahon, RESPECTFULLY INVITE ALL TO OIVE them a call. Their stock comprises the best Wiues, Liquors and Cigars in the District. City Club Rooms ALWAYS OPEN.

STOCK ONTO. 1. BROWN tfc FINAG1.V. d3-tf Magnolia Saloon, Bullionville, 15 VADA. IS THE PLACE TO PURCHASE FINE WIKE8.

LllJUOKs at ClUAKo. mh6-tf J. O. WILLIAMS. HAMILTON'S SALOON, Main street, Pioche.

(On the site of his old Lodging House.) Liquors of all Kinds 4 Best Biands WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Hamilton has Com to Stay," and has selected his stock with sn eye to building up a steady business on the merit of Liqjiors, CiKara, passing over tne oar. ol-tf i, urn asHi lor hesncg the application of JOHN lHirsoHl foe Ih. V. RUSSELL SCOTT HAS OPENED CLUB ROOMS OVER HAL-PIN'S Hardware Store, Main street, and h.S thftHkWitlt h.n,lu..n.A ll.

Persons visiting the PALACE can rely on the ucb. ui accuauuiouauoua, anil wuen other amna-ments are required it will not be necessary to go elsewhere. o7.u ORIENTAL SALOON, Meadow Valley Street, Pioche. THI8 PLEASANT PLACE OF RESORT HAS been newly refitted and renovated, and is now open to the public. Connected with the above establishment Is a NHOOTING GALLERY.

During the day MR. LEARY, the celebrated MlvnWInl 1 1 v. Vjl 1 will at- tend to the demands of friends and strangers. HARRY CHAMPION 8 smiling countenance can be seen during the night. I a a .1 tl finest brands slways on hand.

aw uive na can. HARRY CHAMPION, nySM Proprietor. Philadelphia Brewery, MAIN STREET, PIOCHE, SCHU8TRICH KLE1NE PROPRIETORS IS FURNISHING A SUPERIOR ARTICLE OF Lager Beer, in quantities to ault, at the low-eat rates. Adjoining camps supplied on short notice. lvos-tf POND, REYNOLDS CO.

IMPORTERS JOBBERS OF WINES fc LIQUORS, a I'aurorwla Bast Pratstclsca, Anl. Aoanta tn. Duia. Co. a bourbon County Kentucky Whiskiee.

spn-tfl WANTED. WOOLK COUNTY BONDS AND corrKnr XJ 8CWr of th. new una, at the e-fain araia BA1VK OF If nVATiA. aw aim when and where any peraoa Interested nisy appear and contest the sane. Dated Msy 17, l-Vj.

i I liy order of Cuort: I P. B. MILLER. Clerk. By J.

M. Deputy Clerk. Bisuor Ha era, Attorneys for Petitioner. mylMd Notice of Application TO BECOME HOLE TRADER.

MAKOAKET DOOLY HEREBY GIVES NO. tire that on the day of May. A. D. leiJ, at 10 o'clock a.

m. of that day, or so soon thereafter as the same ran be heard, will make application to the District Court of the Seventh Judicial in and for Una count, of Lincoln, Mate of Nevada, for an order of said Court permitting her to carry oa busiueas in her own name and on her own account, in the buainess of Boarding and Loding-heuss Keeping, the county of Lincoln, State of Ne. Td- MAKOARET DOOLY. Piocha, Nevada, April lsls. ap2t-4w' NOTICE To Absent Claim Holders.

OTICK IS 11EKEBY GIVEN TO A. ValawcMMf aaal GeWgo Ralllas, locators on the Phenix ledge, in Highland District, that if they do not appear and pay their proportion of the cijienses incurred in the da--eloTiinriit of ssid ledge within ninety dai. from this date, the same will be sold, according to law. THOMAS H. DODDH CO, Pioche.

March 17. mmi-oawMJd NOTICE To Absent Claimholders "NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO EDWARD WINANB aud FRANK Vi HEELER, owuera on the Belle of tlgdensburg lode, in Ely Mining District, that if they do not appear and pay their proportion of the eapensi-a incurred in the development of ssid ledge within NINETY DAYS from this date, the same will be sold a-cordlng to law. GILBERT ItoYCROKT. Pioche. April 31,1873.

Dissolution Notice. ri'HE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EX-X isting betwten J. M. Hardin and L. D.

nirong, under tbe linn name of HARDIN is this day dissolved ky mutual consent. All outst.ndaj iudebteaness will be settled Iit L. 1. bTbutkiitt. will pay all liabilities of the late firm.

L. D. BTROKft, 1. Is. HARDIN.

Pioche. May 10, 1873. myn-Std DINKOIA'TIOX OP PARTNERSHIP. TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. THAT THK Xl copartnership heretofore esi.ting between T.

H. COLEMAN and JOHN WILSON, under the nrni name of COLEMAN WILSON, In the carrying ou of the Mint Saloon, Main stleet, Pioche, Nevada, was mutuslly dissolved on the dsy of April, 1873. T. S. COLEMAN collects ail moneys due the lste hrm up to that date.

JOHN WILtsON continues the business st the eld T. COLEMAN, JOHN WILfcON. Pioche. Alrtl 16, lb73. spl7-30d NOTICE.

ALL PERSONS ARB CAUTIONED NOT TO, sell or give to suy kndisn any lire-ami, atL-niunition or intoxicating liquors, ss the same ia contrary to the laa of the tutted Htatea. Any violation of the law will be vigirouslv punished. G. W. 1NOALLS.

United Statea Indian Agent. FAIR WARNING. ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that I will not. cfter this dste, iy any debts coulrscted on my account, uuhsa contracted on written ordela duly signed by nie. ELIZA LAWHON, Meadow Valley street Msrket.

Pioche, March J7, 1873. mrt71m Warning to the Public. XfOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, NOT TO PI R. I chase any milling ground from HENhY OLFSOHN CO. in a mine named the Far West Lode, situated in Long Valley Mining District, Lincoln county, Nevada, and now called by said Wolfsohn Co.

the Platina Lode, as I located the mine on the 117th of June, 187'J, had the mine aurveyed and recorded, and it ia now In possession of snd worked by the own-ers of the Ear West Lode. HENRY 8CHAEFER CO. Bullionville, Lincoln Couutv, Nrvsda, I May 17, 1873. m20- REMOVAL. 1 P.

DURKEE HAS REMOVED TO P. Heintzelman'a Jewelry Store. Particular attention will be paid to Repairing Watches st prices to suit the times. All kinds of Jewelrv Repaired in a workman-like manner. Pipe-Mounting done with neatness and dispatch.

Please give me a call, one and all. N. B. All Work Guaranteed. mylo-lu.

t. a. Coleman Joan a. -nrutit. CAPITOL SALOON, MAIN STREET, PIOCHE.

COLEMAN ah TYLKR PROP'RSI. KEEP THE BEST WINKS. LIQUORS AND CIGARS that are obtainable ia the United statea. myiatf ALL TRIAL JURORS ARK EXCUSED Until Monday, Mav 26. By order of the District Court: myl8-td P.

B. MILLER, Clerk. STOLEN HORSES UN-CLAIMED. NE WHITE BRANDED ON XIGH 811 1 1.. der; One Blsck Stud Vony, three years-Two Saddles and bridles.

Unless claimed WITHIN PIVR DAYS, Will be sold to pay charges and expenses of keeping. myU-51 w. 8. TRAVIS, Sheriff. NOTICE.

AT A MEETING OF THE LIGHTNER HOOK and Ladder Company, held at th Courthouse- on Tuesdsy evening. May 6, a resolution waa passed by a unanimous vote of the company that all members in arrears for nnea snd dues, who neglect to psy np on or before the TklrsI Day of June, will be stricken from the roll. By order of the company: anys-iot E. SCHOPPMANN, Secretary. NOTICE.

ON SATURDAY LAST THERE WERE stolen from mv cabin in Bnllionviiu catea of deposit on Wells, Fargo A Co. in my favor No. 8.03T forflOO Xo-W for sot) All persons are warned not to negotiate the same, as payment baa been stopped. auj.a-ouu msAa'a'. MOCKLER.

Vaccination. DK. W. FETTERMAN. OF THE Homeopath le Practice, has lust received, direct from Boston, some PURE AND FRESH COW POX VIRUS.

Those wishing to be vaccina ted will please call at his oflice, oa Lacour anyiatf NOTICE. THIS IS TO NOTIFY ALL PERSONS NOT to trnat MRS. MARY BOKER, alias MARY ELCH, sad known la Pioche as MARY BUCKLEY, on my account, ss I shall pay no debts or bills contracted by her. MARTIN Pioche, May 1873. me lm CHECK LOST.

CHECK No. T3, DRAWN BY WELLS, Fargo Ptoche, on Wells.F argo Baa Francisco, la favor of SUNG SI (a for SM All persona an cautioned agalnat Uw saass, as psyraent has been stopped" ap-H-lm.

The Pioche Record from Pioche, Nevada (2024)


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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

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